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tasmo ma jyotirmay

In spiritual science, there is a discussion of light meditation and light from place to place. It is not the light emanating from the light bulb or the sun, moon etc., but it is the supreme light, which is shining as a divine light of consciousness in this world. Its existence is visible in the form of Ritambhara Prajna and every person can see within himself as a life light pervading every particle. The more quantity within which it is present, it should be understood that the more divine part is being illuminated in it.

 From the central part of the human brain, a whirlpool of light particles keeps erupting. Its bouncing waves form a circle. and then return to its original origin. It is a process similar to radio transmission and storage. The energy released from the Brahmarandhra keeps on flowing through the etheric vibrations in the cosmic universe to the state of consciousness hidden within it. In this way, man keeps on throwing the introduction and effect of his consciousness into the whole world. The returning streams of this fountain return with them the latest phenomenological and emotional information of the universal infinite wisdom. If they can be understood properly, then any person can get detailed and important information about past and present tense. This Sahasrara Chakra is the medium for the ability of a person to receive unlimited knowledge and to disseminate that knowledge. Exchanges take place on Earth with other planets. It is endowed with pole centres. The body also has two pole centres - the first is the brain, and the second is the reproductive senses. Conscious radiation from the brain and energy flows are related to the reproductive senses. The very important process of micro-exchange is conducted through these centres only.

According to the physical and mental condition, the stability of human-divine energy is formed. If the position starts changing, the position of the light beam will also change. Not only this, from time to time, according to the changing nature and level of thinking of man, there are occasional changes in him. Microscopes can see its differences as changes in colour change. The state of mind of peace and gentleness will be seen in light blue colour. Comedian, powerful, splendid, tactful level auras are yellow. Angry, arrogant, cruel, cruel, selfish and foolish people are surrounded by auras of red colour. The green colour represents creative and artistic nature. Dark purple is a symbol of playfulness and unstable intelligence. The aura of religious, godly and virtuous persons is of saffron colour. Similarly, the mixture of different colours keeps on changing according to the changes in the qualities, deeds, and nature of man. This aura does not remain constant forever. The changing attitude changes the colours of the aura. This colour does nothing independently. The changes occurring in the mind are felt by the eyes based on the increasing number of energy vibrations that are being created by the body. Scientists call this ' frequency of the wax'.

Experiments like clairvoyance, psychometry, (telepathy), (and suggestion) can be done easily as soon as a little self-power is developed. A lot of research work has been going on in these disciplines in the last few days and as a result of those efforts, useful findings have come to the fore. Cognitive disciplines like psychology, sensual science, and metaphysics are also developing in radio science and electronics. As the levels of mystical information open up about the power of the subconscious mind, it becomes clear that the animal-like man is a storehouse of infinite and infinite potentialities, so difficult that most of his powers lie in a dormant-unknown-state. Are lying

 The length of the light rays is equal to sixteen hundred and three million parts of an inch. The speed of sound waves heard on the radio is one lakh, 88 thousand miles in a second, they make seven rounds of the whole earth in one second. The shape and flow of sound and light waves are so subtle and dynamic that human senses cannot perceive them without the help of subtle instruments.

Dr J.C. Trust has accepted in the book 'Atoms and Souls' that light molecules are present not only in humans but also in other living beings, trees, plants, medicines etc. These light molecules form the actual bodies of living beings. The body of man or living beings composed of minerals remains stable as long as these light molecules remain in the body. The gross body dies as soon as these light molecules are removed, and then they burn. When this dead body is left open, it becomes difficult to stay even for a second with its stench.

 Nature, samskaras, desires, and action-power are all the play of these light molecules. We all know that even a single molecule of light (photon) is made up of molecules of many colours. The light aura of the human body is also made up of many colours. Dr J.C. Trust has given a subtle inspection of many patients, criminals and ordinary and noble people and told that the person who is as good and good qualities, his light molecules are of divine radiance and aura, while the light of criminals and diseased persons. Molecules are weak and dark. Seeing the dark spots of many human beings with his divine vision, he made people accept that they are sick or criminal by telling people that indeed diseases and criminal tendencies are the results of the presence of black-coloured molecules. Man cannot change his nature even if he wants to, as long as these contaminated light molecules remain present inside. That is, due to the low level of thought, we cannot create good thinking.

This presence of atoms of negative energy continues to misbehave with man till birth after birth, in this way man repeatedly falls into the door of downfall and keeps making his soul unhappy. As long as these molecules do not change, and do not become inactive, then man cannot improve his condition under any circumstances. That is, karma remains entangled in the chains of bondage.

 It is that if there is intensity in its light molecules, then it can give sudden help to others, and diseases can be cured. Bad thoughts can be converted into good nature for a while. The ideologies of the robber Angulimala were reversed as soon as Lord Buddha came within the limits of the electric expansion emanating from these light molecules. It was because of the intensity of these positive energies. As soon as that environment comes out, depending on the person's thinking, these energy waves become strong again, people start committing misdeeds again. That's why you see that the evidence of debossing has also increased in human society, there are many chances of new deboss after being debossed. Any person could develop the molecules at will. Sadhana is his name.

Worship is a scientific process in which we transform the dark, dirty and sinister light molecules within us into divine, radiant, virtuous, human molecules that increase peace and happiness. In this process of evolution, there is a sharing of a natural element, a body or a planet-constellation - for example when we chant the Gayatri Mantra, a medium to remove the contaminated light molecules within us and to fill in its place with divine light molecules. Gayatri is the mantra.

 These human molecules are different in terms of colour, composition and light of the human body. Whatever nature of man is visible today, it is due to the presence of these molecules. If this science can be understood, then not only can one's life be made pure, sattvik, successful, and disease-free, but others can also be affected and benefited from these benefits. This light atom or human molecule is also the basis of sattvik and divine emotion.

We can see things with the help of light, but with the help of ordinary light particles we want to see the cells of the body, then they are so subtle that we cannot see them. When electrons are sent into the microscope at 50000 volts, their wavelength is 1/10,000th of a fraction smaller than that of white light particles. Then she can show the activity by entering a smaller atom that is 42.4th the diameter of a hydrogen atom. For example, if the human eye can see an inch circle, then a light microscope can see 500 degrees less than that and 10000 degrees smaller than an electron microscope. From this, it can be estimated how subtle the conscious part of the cells of the human body should be, when the cell was inspected with such a microscope, a twinkling light appeared in it too. In this way the consciousness or the important element is the very subtle sparking power of light itself, this science also believes.

The six chakras located in the Brahmarandhra that Indian yogis have discovered from the 1 shastra plexus appear to be more developed. This place is in the form of a beam of light in a divine centre about two and a half inches from the third eye within two to two inches from the ears. According to the philosophers, this place is made of divine light elements like an inverted umbrella, it looks like mercury light in sight. In the Chandogya Upanishad, the accomplishment of Sahasrara philosophy has been propounded in five letters in such a way that 'Tasya Sarveshu Kamchari Bhavati' means a yogi who has attained the speed of Sahasrara becomes capable of attaining complete physical science. This is the power centre, from where the brain controls the body and becomes the authority to know the wonderful science of all that is created by man in the world.

 The atoms with which the soul or consciousness manifests itself are light molecules, while the soul itself is different from it. Light molecules should be called Prana, Vidhya Shakti, Agni, and Tejas. The purer, divine, and brighter he is, the greater the person will be great, brilliant, successful, heroic, courageous and an artist. The auras of great men are symbols of the same thing, whereas in the inferior class people this energy is very loose, slow and dark. We should convert these impure light molecules into divine molecules and try to take ourselves into the ranks of great men. The core of the Brahma Vidya is the solicitation of this divine light in the prayer of 'Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya'. This is the need of every waking soul. In the end, only one thing will be worth saying we have to adopt the habit of meditation.


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