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my nervous system always watching me

The more scientific knowledge about the elements of power is increasing, the western beliefs related to life and life are changing at a faster rate. The possibilities of the truthfulness of Indian philosophy are increasing equally rapidly. The discoveries made by Indian philosophers by overcoming the difficult processes of sadhana, yoga practice, and western science is progressing there. An analysis of the electromagnetic nature of human life, certified by western science, is being presented, due to which a new form of the imagination of life force, and vitality will be seen.

Once Dr Regnault was discussing a patient. Whenever a sick person with mental stress was put to sleep in the east-west direction, with the help of an 'oscillometer', it would be known that the suffering has increased; Whereas, as soon as the direction of taking this person's sleep is north-south, he would get immediate benefits. He told that this incident is proof that man is related to the magnetic currents of the earth. This discovery of Dr Regnault may one day disprove the theory of evolution and the origin of man from a single-celled organism like amoeba. Prana or life force is an infinite element, which is being expressed in the form of various types of creations all over the world due to explosions flowing from some centre body of the universe.

Dogs, cats, and bulls, once they see the path, if they want to go there again, they come back easily from there. About these, it can be said that they must have travelled with the help of natural signs, but some birds and fish travel thousands of miles long. Do it at night. Even if it does in different seasons, it reaches only prominent places. One wonders how they would have ended such long journeys by intuition without any direction.

European stork birds fly from Europe during those cold days and reach Africa. The black-headed hooded crow travels 8000 miles from one place to another. How would they reach certain places even if they did not know the direction? This is a matter of surprise. Most of the trips take place at night. There is no knowledge of stars and no such facts are revealed about birds. But it is natural to be surprised. Biologists searched and found that whatever the mystery may be, one thing remains clear, all birds migrate parallel to the Earth's magnetic lines. This fact becomes even more clear from experiments. 

Once some crows were caught and some marks were tied on their bodies. These crows were on the path of migration in the northeast direction. This time he was captured in Germany and released 500 miles west from there along the Kiel Canal. This time he took off and landed in Scandinavia. When this route was compared with the first flight route, it became clear that this journey was exactly parallel to the first route and also exactly parallel to the Earth's magnetic line.

The same thing came to the fore with the use of Kale and Salomon fishes, and one thing became clear from it that the life of animals is influenced and inspired by magnet power. Among these experiments, the example of shearwater was the most surprising. It was released on one side of the Atlantic Ocean. From there he completed a 3050-mile-long journey to reach his abode on the island of Scorvom. The living world is found to be greatly influenced by magnetic force. The termite worm makes its home exactly parallel to the Earth's magnetic lines. Whenever there are magnetic storms on the earth, then even termites and ants get disturbed. Even the thread division of living cells is affected by magnetic force in their early and middle stages. Chromosomes always move towards the poles of the cells. This is proof that the life force is an electromagnetic potential or some similar force.

Not only animals but also the lives of humans are affected by magnetic power. In 1845, Dr Reichenbach studied dreams in many people and reported that sleeping with the head towards the east and the feet towards the west causes great restlessness while sleeping in the north-south leads to pleasant sensations. The experiments of Dr Cleric and Durville also confirm this fact and show that the magnetic force is related to the visuals seen in dreams. Dr Regnalt, Ambras Müller, Laprise etc. have also confirmed all these beliefs.

Although scientists still speculate about the Earth's magnetism and speculate that a huge amount of magnetite or ferrous oxide is stored in the Earth's womb, as a result, the Earth acts like a giant magnet. The reason for human life or animals being affected by magnetic currents is due to the presence of iron-rich haemoglobin in their body, but both these reasons are due to the electromagnetism of sunlight particles. The Sun does the work of magnetizing the Earth. The Sun's photons cells are the fundamental fact of life. The "haemoglobin" found in the body of man is this prana, which flows from the sun and reaches our bodies by wind, willpower and by food. In the body of a woman, it is called "Rya". Due to the accumulation of opposite poles, the nature of mutual attraction is found between men and women. 

Dr Marinesco has proved through many experiments that magnetism affects our mental institution too! They provide sleep by entering positive electricity into the third ventricle of the brain. Electricity and magnet are almost the same forces and are interchangeable. He also showed that the sensations of dreams are also affected by magnetic fields. And hundreds of examples are evidence that many times man's dreams come true. From this, it appears that all the signs of thought and omnipresence are present in the human magnet power. If this is so, then Indian beliefs about the departure of the soul into the upper or lower worlds by auroral light should also not be wrong.

In Vedic language, it is called, 
"Eti Cha Preti Cha". 
 it in Rigveda

Antscharati Rochanasya Pranadpanati, Vyakhyanmahisho
 - Rigveda 10/1862

That is, this energy pulsating in the form of prana-Apana is the basis of life. 

Aakrishnen rajasa varttamano nivyavayannamritam martyam cha. Hiranyen savita Mathena Devo yati bhuvanani pashyan...

That is, in the golden chariot, Savita (Aditya Pran) traversing through the black-coloured worlds, arranging both the nectar, that is, Prakriti and Prana (wealth and debt or North Pole magnetism and South Pole magnetism), came looking at all the worlds, giving darshan. Used to be. 

Where it is now being proved that the life force is an electromagnetic element, scientists are also getting evidence of it getting energy from the Sun. Assessment by scientists of dark spots in the Sun confirms that Surya Lok is related to any other giant seed planet or with the universe. Further discoveries in this regard will only lead to the realization of heavenly liberation and the existence of a universal being and the necessity of its attainment.

It is also ensured that by meditating on the rising sun while chanting the Gayatri Mantra, the magnetism of our brain attracts and receives the magnetism of the sunlight particles, increasing our life force-prana. This is the main element, which keeps our immunity system strong.

 The area in which a man can throw his influence and the number of areas from which he can receive influence is also called the field of the relation of man. This circumference is infinite, so man is also considered to be infinite or infinite. Earth's atmosphere, magnetism, radio field, and the periphery of interplanetary exchange, would appear to be just a rich size of the giant machine of the universe. The earth ceases to exist after separating from the world family. Similarly, man is also only a link in the chain of world consciousness. The man continues to consider himself alone, but the fact is that his happiness and progress are completely dependent on the world consciousness. The unimaginable imagination of the soul, the aura surrounding the body, the movements of the subtle powers embodied in this aura, all these together must understand the vastness of man.

The link between the limit of human existence on earth and the infinity of the universe is this aura, which surrounds man. Even though his role is so amazing as seen with the eyes, it should be considered more important than the eyes. The body dies, but this aura still exists. His movements are seen in the form of ghosts and spirits. Maybe a person is born somewhere and his aura is working independently. The visible and invisible forces working in the earth and sky are not complete in themselves. They are all made by the grant, coincidence, and coordination of others. The form in which the power of the atom comes out is not it's own earning. In this, not only the ground floor but also wonderful grants from other worlds are also attached, otherwise, all the activities remain as mere agitation, and no encouraging purpose is fulfilled by them.

The same is true of the human personality. If this component, made from living cells, had not been favoured by many distant beings, then it probably would not have become anything more than a petty creature. The motion of inertial molecules generates a kind of electricity. When the conscious being is included in it, then life, the living beings appear. Magnetic storms keep rising in the region of the poles, whose light is shadowed in the form of 'Aurora Borealis'. It can be called the union of the subtle movements of other planets with the earth.

When salt water of the sea collides with boats and vessels made of metal, electric waves are generated from it. Biologists are aware of this spontaneous generation of electricity and are alert to its harmful and beneficial reactions. Similarly, bodily bacteria also collide with the ether and the electric current filled in the atmosphere and generate electrical energy. Living cells contain a sufficient amount of those metals and chemicals, which can generate electric current by being excited by the shocks. This is the reason that not only does heat remain in every human being, but many levels of currents of electric current also flow. These can be well tested and known by instruments.

 Human magnetism is linked by a filament to the universal Brahman. The unborn child is connected with the mother by this cord. The navel is considered the central centre. The umbilical cord of the newborn comes out only after delivery and has to be cut and separated from both. Human ears hear only a limited level of sound flow, but such consciousness is found in animals, based on which they can hear even those sounds which humans cannot hear. Such a whistle can be made by instruments, which humans cannot feel, but the dog can easily hear. 

 Lay a blank paper on one of the tables. Put a magnet on it. Slowly pour iron filings from a height of one foot. It will be seen that the particles are falling according to a specific order. This sequence will be in line with the lines of force of the magnet. The position of the magnet on the paper would be visible from the iron filings that fell on the paper.

 Man is also a kind of magnet. He accepts and rejects many good and bad grants raining from space according to his internal condition. As he is himself, his magnetism of him makes him unintentionally rich and powerful in this world universe with a subtle current like his own. Therefore man himself is the creator of his life.


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