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concentration power

Concentration is a form of power, which every human being keeps on cultivating. Human development depends on concentration. All the achievements of life erupt from the womb of a concentrated mind, but most the people are unable to plan the full potential of life due to lack of concentration and are deprived of success and cannot lead a meaningful life, one of the reasons for this is the fickleness of the mind. There is a tendency. Generally, the nature of the mind is fickle. It is not concentrated in one place. Because of this, we are surrounded by problems. The speed of the human mind is faster than air. It is not the nature of the mind to stay focused on one place. To concentrate the mind in this way demands a special effort. It is a kind of mental sadhna, under which the mind has to be diverted from unnecessary things to meaningful work and the goal is to be achieved by making the best use of one's time, and labour.

What is done in the process of meditation is to calm the mind and fix it on a single point. This process has 2 levels. First, to reconcile the distraction of the mind. Second, focusing it on one topic. The combined form of these two steps is that concentration, which attracts success and makes a person successful. The point to be kept in mind is that concentration does not mean stability or inertia, but considering every aspect of the subject, thinking from every side and thinking positively and living a balanced life.

 Concentration fulfils the purpose of life. Due to concentration, we can make our goal more clear and definite, due to which the abilities, and powers inherent in the inner self are manifested easily. Concentration leads to intellectual development, intelligence is sharpened. The deeper the concentration, the more it affects the mind, due to which the memory power remains for a long time. In this way, concentration increases memory power.

Concentration increases receptivity and curiosity, due to which we understand the subject quickly and can learn quickly. Not surprisingly, the habit of studying or working with concentration quickly makes a person proficient in that subject. It helps in the development of originality. New fantasies, new ideas and plans are born from the womb of concentration. Concentration makes us intelligent. Rishis and learned people do all the work on the strength of their concentration. Abilities like television, and hearing are the result of concentration. The person or subject on which geniuses focus their mind, they get all the knowledge related to it. "Yogadarshan" is a wonderful work of Maharishi Patanjali. This scripture is based on concentration only. In Ashtanga yoga, Pratyahara to Dharana- The experiments of meditation are the experiments of concentration, which ultimately result in the ultimate state of samadhi.

 There are many ways to increase concentration. The first measure is the awakening of interest. The mind automatically concentrates on the subject in which there will be interest, that is, it becomes concentrated and accepts the knowledge related to it easily. Like when you are interested in the game, all the statistics related to it are automatically remembered; Whereas due to lack of interest, the dates of history and data related to school curriculum are not remembered.

Understanding the depth of the subject is the second premise. Even after understanding the usefulness of the subject, the mind automatically concentrates. As there is a possibility of getting name, fame, wealth and virtue etc. to a person in some work, then there is more enthusiasm towards him. At the same time, even if the goal is clear, the concentration remains. With the clarity of the goal, the powers of the mind are activated and the person moves towards his destination.
 Reading and writing also increase the concentration of the mind. Listening to music also increases the concentration of the mind. Serene natural surroundings and a clean and orderly workplace help increase concentration. Meditation is a powerful way to increase concentration. Meditation can also be practised on the sequence of inhaling and exhaling of your breath. Meditating on one's beloved God strengthens the mind and helps in concentration.

A systematic routine is important in this context. On this basis, the concentration of the mind remains. Due to the proper allocation of time for every task, the mind remains busy under an action plan. There is no room for unnecessary wandering and scattering. Rest is useful in between continuous work and labour. While studying continuously, a short break of a few minutes helps in concentration. Similarly, adequate sleep keeps the mind strong and focused. A few minutes' naps or Kate nap refreshes the mind and the mind when the body is tired after continuous labour during the day. It is also necessary to have a healthy body for concentration. It is said that in a healthy body, a healthy mind works at a faster rate. Exercise and sports are also useful in this context. They are beneficial in terms of physical and mental health and help in increasing concentration.

Here it is also necessary to know about the elements inhibiting the concentration, and their solution should be considered. Here it is also necessary to know about the elements that hinder concentration so that their solution can be considered. In this context, laziness and fickleness of mind are the main obstacles, the solution of which is a strong will, a lifestyle full of discipline and hard work. With this, the mind is unable to concentrate in a state of panic, worry or fear. They can be overcome with confidence. The body and mind get tired due to too much exertion, even then the mind cannot concentrate. For this, take some rest by closing your eyes and rejuvenating your lost energy in the body and mind.

 If the mind gets bored of doing the same work continuously, then change the work or go for a walk, walk. The mind is unable to concentrate even after taking many tasks at hand. The solution is to deal with different tasks one by one on a priority basis. Gossip and smartphone habits also hinder the concentration of the mind. So set aside time for them. Avoid wrong company, and do not waste time in negative and useless activities. In this way, for both material progress and spiritual development, the concentration of the mind is necessary. Success cannot be expected in any work without concentration. Concentration is necessary for the planning of energy to move in any direction. Therefore, the cultivation of concentration is an essential part of the awakening and promotion of talent.

Duryodhana had a large army, but anger and arrogance prevailed on him, so everything had to be lost. On the contrary, the Pandavas made these 7 things their strength and went to the top. To be honest, to avoid evils like one's own shortcomings, deceit, vengeance, and divinity is necessary for life. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita awakens this. Yogeshwar Shri Krishna was with the Pandavas, so these evils could not spoil anything with him. Once upon a time, Bhima had gone into the forest in anger, Shri Krishna saw him and said, "Bhima, keep this anger in mind, it will be needed, then experiment.

 Being angry all the time is the weakness of man, make it your strength, don't lose this enthusiasm, so that it can be used if needed, can take you forward." It is this passion that takes a man forward. There is enthusiasm in a warrior, a lyricist, a poet, an engineer, which lifts a person even if he falls. A zealous person can break with the body, but not with the mind. Josh is the one who says that I am not going to break, loser. I can bear the wound, but I cannot see myself falling, breaking. Lord Krishna converted the raging fire that was rising inside Bhima into enthusiasm and taught him to use it.


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